Gives me bayonetta or devil may cry vibes
Textures by
I strongly advise to watch DESECRATED first as this is a remake of that animation;
Wellp, a year of CGI, a year of latex and stilettos.
This is probably going to be my penultimate project for this year, and also the penultimate "exclusive" on newgrounds as I inted to expand my web of kinky goth stuff on other platforms.
See yall in the Dungeon :v
Gives me bayonetta or devil may cry vibes
These are so fucking bizarre and surreal. They give me Carpenter Brut and Seth Ickerman vibes.
Fucking amazing. What do you even call this genre of music and animation?
Thank you!
Trust me, I don't even know myself lol
However both the sound and the aesthetic are heavily influenced by the retro/synth/darkwave scene so you got it right on Carpenter Brut and Ickerman!