It was strange and Weird but it was actually cool and funny.
This is my first Flash short movie. Flying by the seat of my pants on this one. It's probably more cute than funny. Now that I know more about how to create a Flash movie, I can concentrate a bit more on the comedy factor of the scripts. Anyway hope ya like it. There are more to come.
-Flashtrodamus (Jody N.) Password:*****
It was strange and Weird but it was actually cool and funny.
nice graphics
I was hoping for something like the film but this uter well........SHIT
That was funny sheeet!!!!! I love it!!!! man you ppl who dis shit on here got brain problems!!!! nice job, especially for a first movie!!!!
Audio and Graphix
Excellent Audio and Graphics, I give 3 claps for the audio in this piece. *clap, clap, clap*.
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