This animation made me feel nostalgic.
Like those 2009 Pivot or Stick animations.
A 13 year old by the name of Evan Merald has to face everyday with an ongoing zombie apocalypse, he has to keep facing these fears and emotions or else..he'll meet his demise.
Episode Plot:
As Evan is sitting on a rooftop, he notices that he hears biters or zombies near, they storm his location so he has to get out of there before more come, he quickly run's over to a store across from where he was to get supplies and be safe, but something unexpected happens next..
I'm still new to animation, so don't expect some good animating, I am doing this for purely out of fun!
This animation made me feel nostalgic.
Like those 2009 Pivot or Stick animations.
I'm happy that I made you feel that!
The music is alright, the lines are fine, the sound effects are classic, and the animation is fluid. I especially like the head sway. However the introduction is way too long, the voice acting seems monotonous, and the sound is inconsistent going from too soft, to too loud.
Thank you for watching! As I'm still new to animation, I really appreciate your little review here! I'm still learning how to actually work everything to what I want, if that makes sense.