I guess I can agree with half this video even though most of it is the SJW strawman. I still don't get what you mean by assaulting people with your gender or whatever because trans people usually have to tell you their gender if they're non passing? And I could see someone getting a little mad and hissy if you're discussing politics and the other person says something really insensitive and dog whistle-ish like "Yeah, I just think 'normal' people shouldn't be forced to be near thugs and those men in skirts. Maybe we should do something about it." and while I do agree they should be debating instead of arguing I could see where they come from. Also I'd assume like most human right politics don't affect you (trans rights, demonization of Muslims and black ppl, gay rights, etc) so you probably wouldn't get it :/ Idk but I'm glad you spoke your opinion lol :D