17 years of grinded gears and nails on a chalk board.
Sprankton; a noun; a disease you get from selling clothes at hot topic.
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This episode is form the original series of Foney/Making Bank, and has been upgraded to HD.
I have been working on making sure all the episodes accross all series get posted in HD.
(Don't worry, I didn't fiddle with things either. If it was jank then, it's jank now, because I am too lazy to put in the extra work.)
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17 years of grinded gears and nails on a chalk board.
Sprankton; a noun; a disease you get from selling clothes at hot topic.
I thought I was watching an authentic Foamy tweened no effort spam shilled "beaten the horse to death" flash. Is that a compliant or compliment I don't know.
You know, I'll take it as a compliment!
and i also hope that soupedia 4 will have medals on it
Any game I make I try to put medals on.
Hurdur a so-called "shitpost"
That reviewer is the kind of guy that writes a 3-paragraph post about an interaction in the store and thinks their english major double-spacing makes their mundane writing good. fuck that guy.
this is the best upload all month
It was such a great review, I didn't read it, just pasted one of their reviews back! Glad you enjoyed this my friend!
Thanks for inspiring me now I want to make a shitpost on Foamy
Foamy loves shit all over his squirrel face, but Foney is not into that kind of thing, Foney is a pure, and funny, coffee drinking squirrel.