Alright, I downloaded this game and it is addicting and for someone who reached a score of twenty thousand, I feel like my criticism should hold a little more weight than those beneath me. You have two problematic enemies that are poorly coded or just not enough QA testing went into this. Stalagmite and the fucking skull bat bitch with the dodge feat of 34% which is bullshit. I had a wizard with 65 shields and 244 attack power and by the time I was done fighting the bat I had 2 fucking shields. If this is not absolutely clear, I missed 63 times. And those stalagmite or whatever are just poorly designed because they are an enemy where if you play the wizard the amount of damage the wizard does with a fireball is negligible with only 2 dmg so, at higher difficulties fighting with a stalagmite with 47 hp across the map... you can probably see a problem. Easy solution, take it out, or design another card that upgrades the dmg of pc abilities. Minor annoyances will include poison and how it is handled, if I am poisoned and I run into a potion the amount the potion heals should go directly to counteracting the poison not to my already full hp because at higher levels 44 poison dmg is absolutely absurd and for a way to cleanse it then using a purifier that takes away your shields as well is pretty fucking stupid. Other than this litany of complaints believe it or not I truly enjoy this game. I wish you a ton of success and more levels to be offered.