i think its aight its just sprite animations arent as cool sadly
This is my sprite animation entry for the Neo Geo Jam! This sprite animation is an 80% faithful gameplay recreation of the Metal Slug series of games, and the other 20% of it is in my original style, so it's not 100% faithful to the games. Sorry it's so short, full time work eats up most of my time, so I really worked hard to squeeze in animation time in my free time whenether I had the free time and will to work on it before the deadline hits. Hope you enjoy!
i think its aight its just sprite animations arent as cool sadly
The grenade tosses killed me.
Man, I love Metal Slug. It was one of my favorite games growing up so I have to give you a good rating. The game boy advanced port was the best. Of course I wished it was longer but as an animator myself who also works a full time job, I know how it is. I have a hard time finishing anything. I just have 1 critic. I love the way you draw blood but it doesn't fit in with the environment. I think it would look better if it was just a little bit darker. But that's just something I would do. Anyway, Good Job!
Exhilarating introduction to set the mood, fluid animation, iconic designs, spectacular sound effects, and an all around awesome job!