a very good game as i say
Wasd or arrow keys to control, left click to shoot, right click to punch/ knife, space to sprint.
If you die, press space bar to reset.
Bare Bones enough to be considered full, but I am working on it.
I appreciate the votes, but it isn't even close to being done.
Um.... All my work got deleted... so... I have to start over to get past what I did. Sorry.
Not quite so bare bones full game anymore. Then it got play tested even more...
Update 17:
-Path Finding. Oh gosh. It looked like it was going to be half and all but... sigh. It's over. (Guns were going to be all finished.) Then it got play tested even more. Great. Half.
-Some bugs on the new switching were fixed, possibly as well as switching in general.
It still needs work, but to say it has redeeming qualities is an understatement; it's just enough to be a bare bones full game. Maybe it's also a work in progress too, but...
Full Game Status
Update 16:
-Zombies come from many directions, and spawn like absolute nonsence for now.
Update 15:
All that earlier under the hood stuff payed off.
-All Doors and prices
-All rooms (with doors to buy)
-More skinning; floors, upgrades (doors)
As It would seem from a game design perspective, it has just enough to be a full game. Doors to halt exploration so it isn't just an empty map to explore, but you have to buy ) so it's a game; it just squeaks by, but I am by no means satisfied over all/ completely. As you can see, it is 0.7. All guns/ price will bring it only to 0.8. So. I'm not done, but it's now technically a full? Yay. Milestone. Wooh! ... I usually hate putting exclamation points...
Demo Status
Update 14:
-It Doesn't Break When you Die (forcing you to reload page).
It still needs work, but to say it has redeeming qualities is an understatement; it's close to full game. It is really close to demo.
Update 13:
Lucky number thirteen is not diminished by cognitive bias de-buf with this update.
It is now probably Demo Status. Definitely still quite redeemable.
-All maps have been Added.
-All elevators seem to work.
-The loading screen seems to make stuff work still and now adds the moving buttons if you are on mobile- can't test until uploaded though.
-Pretty much everything represented is re skinned.
-The guy had some skin work.
Update 12:
Almost full game and almost demo status (might already be).
-Added a Loading screen and controls should be fixed now. (They are on PC, more so than before).
-The loading screen is both fun and...
-The loading screen is additionally brought up to very special status.
Update 11:
-Buttons were invisible? Not now.
-You can Now switch guns.
-Tellies, gun switching, made more complicated (under the hood) for better.
-Gun Purchasing set up.
Update 1:
-Fixed the swap between wall penetration and zombie penetration so that only zombies can get pierced.
-Re skinned some things. I know it's a downgrade on some, but...
Update 2:
-So this reskin. ... Uh... ...
-If you aren't wearing a sumbraro princess hat hybrid you aren't nearly bad ass enough.
-Bullets are now long range freedom injectors because though shalt.
This is not a pointless demo without any redeeming qualities by any means at all, but... it is definitely needing some work without any doubt at all (which I am going to do with updating as often as possible).
Update 3:
-Seimese Awsomeness is finally finished. Added Map Seimese aswomeness. It connects three amazing maps together into one.
-Teliport to Fives, tunnel to dur, telli back to dur, elevator comming soon.
Update 4:
-The above should actually work now. Oops.
Update 5:
-All maps/ parts of the map have floors now. I am officially semi satisfied... probably less knowing me. I'm pleased, very much, that I did my tasks/ goals, but the project...
Update 6:
Going to be the walls and floors at least probably.
-Was the walls and floors. They looked like crap; they are now fixed.
-Auto double tap bug fixed.
-Might, or might not, be touch screen friendly now.
Update 7:
-Health seems fixed
-but the controls are wacked on the iphone. Atleast Iphone works now... kind of.
Update 8:
-Controls should be fixed
Update 9:
-They weren't. Now?
-Teli probably didn't work on iphone (looked at code); fixed?
It still needs work, but to say it has redeeming qualities is an understatement, and I'm not even feeling pleased with my project yet (I am with my progress and goal/ task accomplishing), so my own stuff doesn't quite satisfy me like most people. Just logically, it makes sense, regardless of feels.
Update 10:
-Previous Issues should be fixed.
-Guns. Finally Guns. Works on browser, but I phone is a little harder to test first. Like currently I can't or something like that.
a very good game as i say
Woah broh, thanks. Thanks allot.