Foam Studios is Austin Flaugher and Matthew O'Bryan.
This is a class project where we had to create an accurate curb ball game for all to enjoy. We were competing with 3 other larger teams to develop a game based on the childhood game of Curb Ball. This game had to be completed in 12 weeks.
Austin was the lead developer and director with a lot of focus on programming.
Matthew was in charge of the creative direction, production, and music.
The game is fairly simple as it is right now. I see it as good start to a fun game. Future iterations would have improved gameplay, different music based on the neighborhood, more detailed levels.
The goal is to bounce the ball off the opposite curb as many times as you can before the time runs out.
You start the game with 3 lives.
You will lose a life if you miss the ball
Also you will need to watch out for passing vehicles that will block your ball