It's a neat concept but it's implication is kinda a mess. since enemies can kill each other, bombs one-shot everything and you can get stuck on your guys, the main mechanic is more of a crutch to be ignored then an essential ability. No joke the game got SOOO much easier when I stopped trying to convert enemies...But seriously make it so you don't get stuck on allies, whether you push them or go through, doesn't matter, just don't make them more of a hazard than the enemies.
Edit: SOOO much better now that you can go through your allies. It makes for a fun gameplay loop of, get dudes, use dudes to kill other dudes, dudes die, repeat. Plus when things get hectic you can run the enemies through a mine field to trim their numbers. The game is still pretty messy, the mine field is the only defensible position due to the spawn locations, but I'm happy to see it improved so much.