Finally managed to win this game after several... SEVERAL runs. Can definitely relate to this experience; sometimes managing to win in real life too, more often having to pick one thing to fail at. I managed to win by balancing stress and misery (much easier said than done) and sleeping Juuuust enough to stave off red-line Fatigue, with a little burst of overworking right at the end to finish up. But what *really* makes this game shine, beyond nailing the feel of such a creative idea, is the little details and the aesthetic. Love your art style, which really adds character to the activities like the binge eating and watching TV (I'm just obsessed with all the different ways you did her eyes in general). The music nails the weird, depressive funk these sort of crunchtime episodes feel like when you're in them. And there's so many little descriptions and hovertext tips with jokes of their own and helpful information. I enjoyed reading each and every one. Always loved how much your works make the player think, whether that's to strategize winning a really difficult game, or vibing to sweet music, or finding that neat character design that's just so well-done. This is definitely a project to be proud of, and I'm happy I came across it