It's a decent game with really cool style, but I have to agree with some of the other commenters. The choice between patients was extremely unnecessary because the game just corrals you back to the girl right away. The only point of the man being there was to have the doctor fawn over someone. He served literally no purpose and shouldn't have even been there. Same with the choice between different antiemetics because they both worked. The choice served no purpose.
This game would have benefited from more decisions that actually mattered. It would have been great to have had a second patient to deal with separately with different decisions (maybe like deciding between ibuprofen and acetaminophen for pain treatment after looking at his history -- that would have opened up a nice avenue for actual education like the game is tagged), and if she was the only one on call, it would have made more sense to move to treat the other patient afterwards anyway.
I don't entirely agree that the "medical terminology" makes the game difficult, as I've also seen in a few comments. I am far from a medical professional in any capacity, but I was still able to make informed decisions based on logic and moral judgement using context clues. The one thing I do believe should have been explained was DRE. That was the one I actually struggled with because I had no idea what it meant, and I doubt many other non-medical-professionals knew either. The same could be argued for "antiemetics" (although I know what that means -- anti-vomiting, basically -- it's not common knowledge), but like I said before, that decision doesn't even matter, so it doesn't count. Although you could easily look these terms up in another tab, you shouldn't have to since it's the whole point of the game. You could format the game a little differently to make space for explanations for general viewers who may not have the correct knowledge. Especially when your game is tagged as "educational" despite not actually educating people on any of the terminology or anything else.
It was also rather obnoxious to have to start all the way back at the beginning after making the wrong choice. I wish I was able to go back to my most recent decision instead of clicking through so many panels that I've already seen.
I would like to mention that the description is a little misleading. I'm pretty sure I got every ending, and there was no death.
Aside from all that, it was more or less enjoyable. Well-constructed, fun, and a cool style. The story was a little predictable, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I wouldn't mind playing a similar game at some point in the future.