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Color Catcher

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It's a decent game. I liked how switching to the correct color requires you to not only consider which color to select, but also which color you are already on to decide which direction to press. It's small but actually has a large effect, especially when things get fast.

A few criticisms:
- I feel that the blue and green colors should both be more saturated, just to distinguish them more. Somebody else suggested a color picker, which would honestly be ideal.
- Sometimes the color triangle turning takes too much time, so I'll lose before it turns fully. This is especially frustrating when things get fast. Simply changing it so the hitboxes turn instantly and not with the animation would fix this.
- Finally, simply adding a score counter would give the player something to work towards, and to compare against. It would make the game a lot more aimless, and probably make it more engaging. The best part is it's super simple to make too.

Pretty simple game, though could've used a color changer. I'm pretty sure all of these are under one form of color blindness or another, so some consideration could go a long way given the entire game's premise relies on figuring which color is which quickly.

pseudoLudo responds:

Will keep in mind for the future thank you for playing!


No effing mute button. Rage quit.

The game is incredibly simple but highly addictive. The best games are like that! Add a high score table for everyone, so I can see if 57 is a good score :-)

Credits & Info

3.10 / 5.00

Jun 10, 2020
8:26 PM EDT