I hated this game.
Try to get $2500 before the time runs out!
A 7 day prototype of a shopping sim.
Keyboard Camera Controls:
WASD - Directions
ZX - Zoom
QE - Rotation
I hated this game.
I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it but thank you for trying it out!
Thank you for playing!
add a tutorial
Yeah it totally needs some explanation for sure!
Thank you for playing!
A great start.
I suggest you work on the path finding a bit more:
Customers get stuck while going to find products.
Customers will try to come to check out the wrong way, and run into customers leaving.
Once 2 get stuck going in opposite directions: more start piling up.
Also: if you keep everything stocked, you quickly run into negative money, which seems strange if you started fully stocked.
There isn't a clear cost vs price, and raising the price after the customer picked out what they wanted seems wrong.
I'd suggest that there was a "between days" screen where you can set prices and reorder.
The cashier shouldn't be dealing with picking prices at the time of checkout while people are waiting.
With a little more work, this could be a really fun game.
This is awesome feedback!
It was definitely an experiment and yeah the navigation needs work. Although I did get some good laughs when I play tested and ended up with like ten guys stuck at the register.
I have been working on the flow logic so that the dudes don't walk in the wrong direction going to the register, but I ran out of time. I also have a Queue-ing system to add in too.
I kept the negative money to see what other people thought. I was originally gonna stop that but I thought it might be interesting to go into "debt".
I haven't decided how I wanted to do the pricing. In future versions there will be a day/night cycle so I could definitely use that to mess with prices.
It's not clear what to do at first but it's fun when you get the hang of things. For a prototype this is fantastic; the full product has great potential and I can't wait to see it completed.
Thank you for the feedback!
I did not think it would be fun when I initially started. But its definitely worth continuing to grow it.