I lost Flash years ago and cannot animate any more. Now my animations on deviantArt are unwatchable because Flash was disabled. Its all over. No more Dragon & Spirit stuff...
... until now.
I found this file- it is a test Dressup game I made where the player picks up the bits and pieces on the floor and puts them on the shelves. As it is unfinished all you have to do is fit them EXACTLY on the wonky shelves, which is not quite as easy as it looks. Clue - Trichology for Beginners only fits properly on ONE shelf.
Its a bit like when a singer dies and they publish all the tapes of rough stuff not good enough to release- has it been too long? Does nobody even know who we are any more?
Maybe it doesn't deserve to get through judgement, it doesn't even have any sound, but perhaps you will be fun enough to let us add to the Ibby's Hair Restorer story after all this time- please ? ;)
I am the last D&S active on NG. If anyone wants to collaborate and continue, I'm open to considering it.
EDIT : Thanks to the generous people who Saved it for us- Through Judgement at 2.36 with 80 votes ! better than some of our DS subs ! Shoutout to Earthdragon 77 who helped with the art on this :)