Building on what scpgames said, I've got some specific feedback that might help you improve on this game and make it into more of what you're aiming for. For one thing, I think it'd be much better if you had a consistent style of graphics - rather than a combination of flat shapes and things that were obviously pulled off the internet/made in Flame Painter(?), you could use free assets made for game developers, or draw some yourself, or enlist the help of an artist to make your graphics for you. Second, I think the down to move boxes control is a bit strange - I can see why you included it, but I think most players will be able to maneuver better with boxes that move when they push them, as that's what most games do, and therefore people will be used to doing that. I don't see any problem with how the player moves. You've got a really great concept, and I dearly hope you'll keep working on this to make it better. It has the potential to even be a featured game if you do! :D