Really wacky concept! A bit confusing to figure out everything though. At first when I noticed that stray shots spawn enemies, I though stray shots were to be avoided: like, I thought it was gonna be you go through levels of enemies and you have to watch your shots so you don't end up making things harder for yourself: count your shots and all that. But then I figured out that, while that is true, you don't want to spawn enemies to overwhelm yourself, you actually kinda do as well since that gives you more points! It's really wild: its like you are intentionally setting your own difficulty and building your own challenge based on how you shoot. It can be a bit confusing to learn the concept as it's not immediately apparent and could use some more tutorialization, but once I got my head wrapped around it, it is a lot of fun! Wish I could shoot diagonal, but it works as it-is just fine.