oh well, the pandemic was really the worst shit without a doubt, since we haven't been able to do anything at all, the economy even screwed us over that shit!!!
Once things get back to "normal"... let's not fall back into our toxic routines....
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oh well, the pandemic was really the worst shit without a doubt, since we haven't been able to do anything at all, the economy even screwed us over that shit!!!
Let's not forget the reprobates that tell you they're "offended" when you call them out on abuse
Like, you did something wrong and you need to own up to it, yet it's their fault for giving you a taste of your own medicine?
i am loving this series even you too
66 percent of the sound volumes in this audio need to live it through. Kucky fried boondocks have nothing on brown Jesuphus of late. He is the newest prophet to save this world and nourish souls to heaven and away from the fake hell. Wait, we're done because we're here in heaven already. There is at least one participation trophy in this shit pipe; I'ma be in this swamp like a shrieking call of the fuckers. This is my swamp now. Lol. Ya fuckers! Gotta fuck em all gotta fuck em all; ya fuckers!
It's funny when he's not wrong. Sad part is I'm having to go back to work at the indoor airsoft field because the state govern decided that it was needed to open the unnecessary businesses to save the state economy. But he has no god damned back up plan for when shit hits the fan and we have to deal with Spanish Flu 2: Electric Boogaloo.