Difficult using a laptop but a pretty good game
A submition to the 46th Ludum Dare Game Jam.
How to play:
Plants WILL die if you leave them for too long.
Difficult using a laptop but a pretty good game
Great some glitches but I get it because you has a due date was kinda long for being a game jam game but thats because the toucan mission was really fast pace the whole game is fast paced but I take that as a good thing great game hope you can make some updates because this could be a awesome game
Too fast paced and maybe make the birds eat less.
The birds need to eat quite a lot. This speed was found to be the best-pased for the game. Also, if you make quite a lot of birds, loosing 10% of them should not be too much of a problem, as they can easily be re-gained.
The music is nice