A Cartoon short film following the escapades of Robin Hood and his small band of merry menimals, produced during my second year of university, Hope you like it! Somehow it got into a film festival which was pretty cool.
Background Character Design by Anayis Der Hakopian
Music by Gabriel Ong
i didn't know what to expect when I clicked on this but im glad i did, its cute!
this was really cute. reminds me of the 2000's animation
This was really well done. It has a sort of 90's weekday morning Nickelodeon cartoon feel to it.
Something in the neighborhood of The World of David the Gnome. Good stuff.
Thanks very much, exactly the sort of thing I was going for. I originally wanted to make the film 4:3!
This was adorable and charming. It's nice to see something So Light hearted on here from time to time. Now back to my Edgy dark cartoons you can only find here.
But all joking aside, this was Pretty good, keep up the good work!
Thanks very much! Chuffed you liked it