Some of your answers are not correct..
Abrosia(Noun) Abstinence from food. Abrosia(Noun) Wasting away as a result of abstinence from food.
In your game you said the correct answer was wearing, grinding, or rubbing away by friction. I do not know if that is also correct, but wasting away is correct.
I did notice the game has a reporting system, and I did report that one, but some reports are not so clear. In your reporting system there is an option that two or more answers have the same or basically the same meaning, yet it only allows you to select 2 answers. What if 3 have basically the same meaning? I ran across that situation more than once, in both situations these multiple definitions covered the correct definition of the word.
Another one.. Acapnia is a deficiency of carbon dioxide in the tissues. It is not a breathing disorder or any of the other definitions provided. The game said that gum arabic was acapnia.. Gum arabic is acacia... Is this a spelling error? You have no reporting option for no correct answer. Where are you getting your answers? The reporting system also will not allow us to report the "correct" answer as problematic even if that is incorrect.
After playing with all of these errors for a while I eventually became quite frustrated with the game. If you need to have a reporting system in a game based on dictionary definitions it should any be required if a word has multiple definitions and one of the 'wrong' definitions selected just happened to match a second definition. I love the idea of this game but in the current state it is poor at best and at worst it is misinformative.