If you fall fast enough, you fall through platforms.
Sometimes you spin around when you jump underneath the edge of a platform.
a very basic platformer, this IS my first flash game so dont get it blammed
special thanks to Antonio for the programming help
his YouTube channel is here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC98s8f7PaA9zg4uxlpRuiyQ
if you could do programming please message me on discord
If you fall fast enough, you fall through platforms.
Sometimes you spin around when you jump underneath the edge of a platform.
The controls are a little janky, but it's pretty fun.
10/10 ign
well i think it was a really good game, especially for your first one, but- the music ends suddenly with out looping and you also didn't credit the song.
i would update the flash game but i cant, i dont have the fla file