Eggs - a simple arcade minigame by Filippo550 made in Unity
All you have to do is catch the eggs before they fall on the ground.
How far can you go?
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It's quite good. I like the variety with instant death eggs and bonus point eggs.
But the egg spawning needs a little more work because sometimes it's literally impossible to grab all falling eggs (two or three eggs at the same height, eggs at the opposite sides of the screen). When you lose, it's usually not because you messed up, but because you were unlucky with the egg placement.
You could either fix the spawning algorithm (maximal distance between neighbouring eggs), or you could alter the environment (smaller area, looping screen border…) or use mouse for movement (instant bowl placement anywhere on the screen, but it also makes the game a lot easier), or add a way to restore health every once in a while.
I added mouse control and the option to choose between keyboard and mouse controls. If you want you can check it out