Ohh Appsro... You're so silly...
Enjoy this poorly animated trash as we all question the decisions that must have been made by a team of people to bring a dead villain back to life and then offer no explanation as to why. JESUS FUCK.
Ohh Appsro... You're so silly...
Poorly animated is my favorite shit!
Fuck sake! Absolutely pissing myself! Love the animation style and the bit where he laughs had me rolling! Awesome!!!!
This movie was so bad it revived Jonny Ethco's youtube channel
I fucking despise what Disney has made with the new trilogy... They have regurgitated a bunch of PC shit, destroyed the previous universe, stolen plot ideas, and, worst of all, belittled the figure of Darth Vader and his sacrifice... It's all utter crap. According to the new lore he was little more than a small irrelevant fool.
I don't know what most people think, who are the ones giving them money, but I cannot wait for Disney to stop screwing the Star Wars universe.
Great voice acting, btw.