Hey same guy new account, I ahev access to a real computer and is able to convert the sb3 to sb2 and then swf I will publish he game soon.
UPDATE: nope
UPDATE: I may have gotten this working!
Hey Guys im sorry if it isnt working, if so then go here to play it https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/362571850/ by me
as le-lenney on scratch.
controls are the same
z shoot
r reload
c and v map
f rebuild barrier
d to buy and turn on power
left and right arrow keys to move
1-4 to change weapon
Hey same guy new account, I ahev access to a real computer and is able to convert the sb3 to sb2 and then swf I will publish he game soon.
This game sucks ass!
games not working...(.T^T.)
Im sorry if you want to play it go here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/362571850/
just so you know, the game isn't loading for me at all. I am on chrome, so if you can fix, i'll be down to try it out!!
I know it wont work im sorry.
if you want to play it go here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/362571850/