Not too bad, You have some nice creativity here and I can tell the Earthbound influence from here. I would like to see more.
I liked all of the little events and things to find while exploring, but this will need some serious spit and polish before it's ready, including more sprite trimming, a lot more scripting to make more things interactive and most importantly: LEARNING HOW TO USE COLLISION as presently you have no way to restrict the player and they can even walk on the sky if they want.
I once even got the plane to appear in the same frame as the house once you exit it.
If you keep things about the same I would at least like to see an explosion when the fox and the plane's sprites collide as that would be absolutely hilarious and a nice Easter egg to people messing around with the game.
Giving you a three now, more for what you could do with this than what it is in its present form. Don't let me down :)