Seems you put a good effort on this.
Hey guys...
I just finished working on an animated music video .
The music is from this youtube channel:
Animated in Opentoonz Backgrounds done in Blender And Krita.
I hope you have an awesome day... God bless.
#musicvideos #lionxanimations #nicklutsko
Seems you put a good effort on this.
Yeah... trying to improve my animation this new decade.
Hope you enjoyed it.
That was quite nice! I admit the credits took up too much of the video. It's still very nice. It's something we can all associate with. Well, maybe not divorce. Just sadness in general.
I think the animation's really nice. It's great to have something so realistic. It shows you how our world works. Thanks for the kind words in the author's comments. Nice to know it isn't that negative.
Hao de... thanks a lot 😊.
Well its how I felt when I listened to the song.
Glad you like it 😊