I love the friendship between Ozark and Xander, that's one thing I'm super glad was expanded on a little in the book :D
Making Monsters #15
Quick recap:
Apocalyptic events are taking place all over the country, courtesy of the new "Corporate States of America" (10 corporate states have replaced 50 geographic states as the US goes fully corporate)
Rick, the old man, has hired Ozark to start a grassroots revolution to fight this new system of government. But the grassroots revolution has failed and Ozark wants to leave before Rick forces him do something more sinister.
In this episode: Ozark tries to leave Rick's house.
I love the friendship between Ozark and Xander, that's one thing I'm super glad was expanded on a little in the book :D
Fast bonding between gamers has happened to me a few times. I've gone from stranger to buddies with a few people after finding out we'd played the same video games.