Гениальный сюжет и его оозвучка.
Happy New Year 2020 but this time with AUDIO ❤️
Zhima's VA
Yumi's VA
Song Details:
Wuxia2_Guzheng_Pipa by PeriTune | http://peritune.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Гениальный сюжет и его оозвучка.
this is just wholesome
I knew Gaghs was based off Mawile uwu
2020 was the worst beginning of second decade of 21st century.
What happened to Poké-School? Gaghs graduated her school at age of 18 after 2019 incident where her Mawile traits got damaged into unhealable state, which eventually replaced with more human parts, and in this case, the hair creature she possessed on her head. Now, she ran away to the place where Xingzuo Temple and agents (especially her father) live. Welcome to Xingzuo Temple, Gaghs!
little did Zhima and Yumi know that 2020 your suck ass