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The united Fleet arrives at the gas giant. The bombardment fails, so they storm the moons, to obtain informations in a ground offensiv. They get involved into battles with the Brotherhood of the Holy Triglyceride. One moon gets blown up by a suicide bomber. In Cornus´cave, Schlauchtussi evolves through the mask to a white porcelain doll with new powers. She taps the brain of Cornus´ mother plant, to learn, what she has missed in the years of hibernation. The plant and all its scions wither from that, also the part of Cornus, which is located in the Holy Triglyceride on the gas giant. The Triglyceride splits in its surviving parts Francois and Adipositron. Adipositron kills Francois, which reveals, that he has a music box heart, too. This music box controlled a large amount of his troops, who now automatically choose Adipositron´s music box as command source and immediately turn against the united fleet.
originally aired in september 2010 on Youtube