Played the whole thing, took like an hour. Honestly really good.
Become a legendary pirate captain in an epic adventure. Battle multiple factions of historical and fantastical foes. You're not on the Caribbean anymore...
WASD or arrows to move
Left click to attack/shoot
Space or Right click to melee/sword attack
Mouse wheel or numbers to change weapons
R to drink rum
F to play fiddle
Q to sprint
I to show inventory
L to show life bars
Escape or P to pause game.
Warning: Opera users should turn off mouse gestures in their browser settings, or use Space instead of Left Click.
Played the whole thing, took like an hour. Honestly really good.
I enjoyed it more than I'd expected to. It's simple yet addictive. I did notice that at points you really can't seem to strategically take out groups of enemies to prevent being overrun in later levels, which could get frustrating.
The weapons were interesting, I'm still not entirely sure about the spells. But overall good game.
This is a pretty cool game, really get's you hooked on it
pretty friggin awesome
Great game