My favorite part is the part with the birdie!
#Mine #Meme
Hello, bonjour, hola, hej friends!
Welcome to my Mine meme (I know I'm late to the party, but better late than never!) Featuring my very own character, Mandy the Star Witch!
I hope you enjoy her :)
Have a very Happy and Safe Halloween!!
Original Meme by Nawnii:
Deviant Art:
My favorite part is the part with the birdie!
I can see that you're on your way in animation, but I'd suggest that you keep pushing your skills to add more frames of unique animation to avoid the animation from having too many motion tweens that involve an arm moving at a single controlled speed.
For example, I liked near the beginning when the stars started zooming around, but if you added an extra inbetween or two it would be even smoother.
With Mandy, since all of her movements are tweens, her actions look a bit too stiff. However, since I saw that you are able to draw her in different poses and holding different props, I know you'll eventually get to the point where you can animate her with a variety of movement.
As well, I can also suggest you add a few blinks to her if she is calmly standing still. Even with animations when a character isn't moving around that much, adding a blink and even the tiniest amount of head or body movement now and then does wonders in making a character look alive and not like a cardboard cutout.
Best of luck, and I hope you can continue to improve. :)