Hmmm...I think I missed this last BRAWL. Glad I get to finally see it!
First, I love how he claims rocket science is easy, then hurts himself with a hammer. That's so funny. The story is a simple one; wacky, funny, short, and perfect for a BRAWL film. Since it addresses traffic, it immediately grabs the sympathy and emotion of the like-minded viewers.
A few things could use improvement, but they are mostly polishing issues that BRAWL doesn't always allow for. While a little more effort into the driving scenes could have helped sell the illusion of moving, both in visuals and in audio. (The baseplate isn't moving in the opening shot, and no noises in any of them. ) Yet, the spinning wheels and road stripes do a great job at 0:21. Adding some noises and maybe some roads/signs along the road would have brought it to perfection.
The transition between lines at 0:33 honestly sounded like two completely different actors my first time through. Perhaps a slight pause would have helped that.
That being said, the film as-is stands tall. The "blast-off" effect is AMAZING, the plot is fun, the voice acting is solid, and most of all, it's enjoyable.