frucking bad topic, a**hole
play as your favourite current president and win the white house
frucking bad topic, a**hole
yeah well fuck you right back john-darrah
terrible hit collison so i cant get past any liberals even close to easily, but i wold love to play more
thanks I finally know how planes fly.
My game froze on the plane but other that amazing plot
This game is fucking amazing. Ever since I had the opportunity to experience this game my life has changed for the better. My wife has returned after leaving me for Scott from her work and has returned my children. My penis has grown a good 3 inches after only 4 days. I didn't think it would be possible for Kojima to continue making boundary pushing games after he split from Konami but after experiencing this I am certain that he is actually SuperJockey64 in disguise. This game has all the markings of a professional from the voice acting which makes you feel like Donald Trump to the mechanics which are innovative while also nostalgic. My life has been full of experiences that have motivated me and inspired me, but none have touched me like this. This game will outlive the human race and show any other species who have the luck to come across this game that us humans were and will always be above them. They will worship this game till their inevitable end.
We cannot predict what is destined for our future but I am certain with this game existing our race has nowhere to go but up from here. Artists from our generation and artists from future generations will look at this game for inspiration as we look at the great artists before us such as Donatello, Raphielle, Michelangelo and master splinter. This game will be etched into our minds for ions. This truly is the game Takeshi Kitano would have wanted to see. SuperJockey64's legacy and impact will never be forgotten as long as we live.
This game will show the generations after us our culture and political ecosystem. It will teach them how to run a government properly. This game is an utter masterpiece which will be remember and hailed as the best videogame for generations to come. I look forward to seeing what this Mozart of our generation., SuperJockey64 has in store for us next
- Polygon