well that was very solid for me!!!
Episode 3 of the Tuti TV series.
NOT suitable for everybody!
Please review the movie.
***UPDATE***** 12/23/2001 11:50pm
Upon posting a note on the Blam Club forum I received replies that it is not characteristic for the B.C. to post link for a movie like this.
***UPDATE***** 12/22/2001 3:30am
QUESTION: Why does a movie that recieves only 2 decent reviews get a score of 1.90 while my previous movies of the same series received a score of 3.15 to 3.45?
Could it be that some members of the BLAM CLUB has been visiting but forgetting to leave reviews that would indicate that the movie is not NG worthy?
Maybe, since I found my movie as a link on their main page at: http://www.sheltered-lif
e.com/blam/ (has been removed since) but maybe it's just an unlucky day for my movie.
If you don't like the movie at least give a reason why you gave it a low score! (This also refers to non-B.C. members)
well that was very solid for me!!!
What the the girls?
What are the girlsi n this are they balls o0r something else?They dont look like weiners or donuts so what are they?
lol hahahaha
i loved to see that stick get totured to funny LMAO!