This could become really interesting with a timelimit per move and a decent AI (not to hard to do for tic tac toe), or with 2 player mode :)
Tell the player which color he is at start ;)
This is a little project I´ve always wanted to do but never really gave a shot. Please let me know about any bug you might find
The rules are simple:
The red player comes first, you can choose any tile you want on the first turn. You can only play in the highlighted tic-tac-toes.
When there's a tie, or someone wins, you have to click to continue
Sorry for my poor english
Este es un pequeño proyecto en el que siempre quise trabajar pero nunca le dedique tiempo hasta ahora. Por favor haganme saber de cualquier BUG (Error) que encuentren, gracias.
Las reglas son sencillas:
El jugador rojo comienza y puede jugar en cualquier lugar, luego solo se podrá jugar en las casillas recuadradas de rojo.
Cuando hay un empate o alguien gana, hay que clickear para continuar
This could become really interesting with a timelimit per move and a decent AI (not to hard to do for tic tac toe), or with 2 player mode :)
Tell the player which color he is at start ;)
The concept is interesting.