[ Ok for something made in 2000 ]
Pros: Well is has an ok plot.
It was mildly funny, but nothing knee slapping.
Cons: Lousy graphics which makes this barely viewable.
Too brief, but I suppose it makes its point.
this is to prove they got the commercial all wrong
[ Ok for something made in 2000 ]
Pros: Well is has an ok plot.
It was mildly funny, but nothing knee slapping.
Cons: Lousy graphics which makes this barely viewable.
Too brief, but I suppose it makes its point.
not worth watching
now that was way too short! the graphics arent anything special, and the humour could have been better. try harder.
Bad Art. Bad Idea. Funny music.
I almost give that movie props because the music was so inappropriate that it made me laugh.
Funny how the frozen coke was blue....I thought coke was a different colour
That sucked.
It wasn't funny at all... however the idea had great potential...the graphics also were terrible.