The game itself is pretty fun, but it looks unfinished and has no sound effects or music.
A Tower Defense Game made in 7 days.
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Please comment on what you think about the game
The game itself is pretty fun, but it looks unfinished and has no sound effects or music.
I agree that it looks unfinished because there are certain things I didn't add like you said there are no sound effects. Next time I'll try to make a game a better quality and also take my time. Thank you for your opinion.
the idea is there but the art looks rushed, making the game not fun to look at / play
The art looks rushed because I made it more functional than good looking. I made the turrets in Photoshop 16x16 making it look unrefined and bad quality. Thanks for the comment.
He elegido la versión normal, para ir avanzando en cada ola de ataques, primero iba a una buena velocidad, después de dos niveles bajo y va lento, al siguiente nivel se convirtió en el otro modo, el de ataque continuo.
Hay errores en el juego que no sabía cómo solucionar, como el que se genera infinitamente en modo normal. Este error a veces ocurre y a veces no. Supongo que mi conocimiento de desarrollo de juegos tiene más caminos por recorrer.