i'm sorry i'm very late to MD (why i'm saying this they'll never approve of my work) here my old tests to new tests........( i already know your opinions, spit it out or.....)
Happy very late madness day
I'm sorry that, thece that you might seem to see i'm mocking you...... i'm trying to criticism myself with my animation that i seem like it's good to me but i had to do this to myself
hey kryy and smartmonkeypo and overtry, you're free to mock the heck out of me.
yt verison
i dont get it
its okay. but you should try doing stuff thats out of your comfort zone. like bg making or recoil test. or hell, just watch some animations and study how they do it. i recommend Bot Don or Chub. those are the people i look too for tips.
I have a feeling like you should finally start to i m p r o v e
Tbh I don't want to offend you but in animation, you are kinda like an example of what happens when someone isn't willing to get out of their comfort zone
well i have been trying but it's seem people tell me i haven't improve but i support that idea..
i don't know what to do.