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Blue Lies

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(2 Player Game)

Blue Lie is intended to help one's group by damaging others through deceit.

Politicians know it pays to use blue lies.
As long as they wrestle in their rival political camp, it doesn't really matter if they are telling the truth or lie.
So, even though they lie shamelessly, and although we know they are lying, not only do they succeed, they continue to enjoy tremendous support from their supporters.

Hit the other player by telling lies that cross the line. The more you hit him with lies, the more followers you will gather.


Player 1 (left-wing): W, A, S, D
Player 2 (right-wing): UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT (ARROWS)

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Pretending this is a political statement by lazily slapping "Left-wing" and "Right-wing" onto the player names doesn't excuse the fact that "gameplay" here is literally just "spam S/Down as fast as possible". I mean, you can't even turn around to shoot if your opponent just jumps over you and hides on your side of the screen. C'mon.

snapking02 responds:

The reason that lies can only be fired in the direction of the opposite camp is because this is exactly the meaning of a blue lie. Hit the opponent's camp to gain support. I thought it would add a challenge, but maybe you're really right and I should allow the players to shoot on both sides.

I make one game a month now, so sometimes I don't fulfill everything I wanted to do. I hope to return and upgrade the game in the future.

In the original idea, I wanted to be able to tell a truth as well. When the lie brings you 3 supporters and the truth brings you only one supporter. I wanted the game to be up to 30 and have a hidden feature that if you hit 10 true shots, then your supporters join you and help you shoot true to victory. That's how I wanted to show that lying helps in the short term but the truth is stronger than lying.

Hope to really come back and improve the game in the future.

thanks for the comment

Credits & Info

2.64 / 5.00

Sep 23, 2019
2:14 AM EDT