Feind! I would say I wish that I had read the other reviews before playing because then I would have known that you can't finish the game. I would say that, but what I really would have thought was 'psh.. these guys suck I bet I can do it.' Which, of course, would be more than a little bit of an untruth. Which leads me again to 'feind!'. The rest of the game is skillfully crafted (and delicious) so I have to assume that you know that those 5 coins are unreachable. As dastardly as this is I could not stop myself from playing it over and over again, knowing that I couldn't finish, but believing that I must be able to. Feind! Your games are always great fun! Keep up the awesome work!
Edit: Excellent I will give it a go. I wasn't digging on you at all. Like I said, your games are always great fun, playing this prompted me to go back through and play some of the other awesome from over the years (I just finished playing 'A Hat on Time' again as well as 'Cat Bandit' which itself is fiendish in Bandit mode.