Oh I thought this was going to be a Last of Us parody with Clock Crew characters.
Pretty neat tho
HOLY HORSE BALLS AND DONKEY COCKS! Clockday! and 2019! This is awesome lads! we did it! a year more. Happy ClockDay everyone and to celebrate, I decided to make this animation that contains... Comedy! Violence! Explicit text! and... Horror! lol, We got new clocks in the cc like WaferClock, it's a great lad. I hope hes enjoying clockday as me.
Oh I thought this was going to be a Last of Us parody with Clock Crew characters.
Pretty neat tho
see you next clockday with a pretty neat animation.
I can't believe you animated this on a cybercafe computer. This is the kind of Clock movie most people are too lazy to make, period.
1 month and like $70 pesos on that animation...
Vote 5
Thank you Orange Clock, you rock! Happy Clockday!
another great movie happy clockday 2019 my dude
Happy Clockday!
I want to be a peggey. And then I want to be pet. I want to be a peggey. And then I want to be pet.