No in game instructions, text hard to read, fell off the left side of the screen and there is no reset button. Nice try, but maybe fix it up a little and resubmit.
Help Maudsley become mayor of your great city. Defeat evil foes as one of 6 characters with different attacks. Scale great heights, cross dangerous gaps and find secrets.
------------------------------------Patch notes-------------------------------------
1. Removed Worded scenes as some people found them hard to read. These will be replaced in the future with proper dialogue (I find this quite complicated so it may be a while before dialogue is finished).
2. Added a reset button to all scenes (o button(not zero))
3. Fixed a bug where after killing the boss, the game would crash.
4. Changed controls to use W,S,A,D instead of arrow keys as they moved the screen while playing.
5. Modified Scene 7 to make it easier to kill enemies and get onto bridge.
No in game instructions, text hard to read, fell off the left side of the screen and there is no reset button. Nice try, but maybe fix it up a little and resubmit.
Hi there SumthinFishy.
I am learning how to use in game text as opposed to using tiles to write. When i have figured out how to use it, i will add an instructions screen to the start of the game, i will also improve all of the dialogue in the game to be easy to read. I have also added a reset button to all scenes, use the o key to reset a scene.
I can't tell if this is some sort of elaborate parody of really crappy surreal games, or just a crappy surreal game. We got to the final (I think) boss, "Greg the Grater," killed him, and the game crashed.
Hi there sapperengineer.
I have fixed the bug you described in your review.
Thank you for your feedback.
Please don't force me to use the godforsaken arrow keys to move, and I cannot read the text because it blends into the background. Epic try bud.
Hi there AngryGrag.
I have updated the game's controls to use WSAD instead of the arrow keys.
Thank you for trying my game and providing feedback