"Holy shit lets hit it with a rock"
*hits it with like 4000 rocks*
This is the real verion the other was just a test so if you voted for the voted other voted for this =:) oh yea its a bout a abnormal rhino =:)
"Holy shit lets hit it with a rock"
*hits it with like 4000 rocks*
Omg it is so beautiful
so 2 individuals throw rocks at a rhino
it becomes anthropomorphic and throws them into the sun
the voicing was good but the story is weak and the graphics are mediocre
(title in work)
I didn't find this too entertaining. The voice overs weren't incredibly well done. The second guy that talks really needs to take his microphone out of his mouth. Graphically this was pretty ugly too. You used way too many gradients. I guess the story isn't bad, but you really need to improve the things I said for this to be enjoyable.