Dope amv...
A direct sequel to the events of trapanese, young Timothy and the gang must fight their way through an armada of villains if they are to have any hope of rescuing Timothy's Anime girlfriend.
Dope amv...
On the plus side are the visuals and the anime GF freeing herself and her would-be rescuers.
However, to be honest, I'm bored with the auto-tune + trap beat combo that's been ubiquitous in my neighborhood for that past few years. Perhaps it's just me showing my age, but I'd love for this style of animation design backed by music that's closer to Wu Tang in production. Or at least something with a bridge or a chorus in a different key and no auto-tune in any of the vocals.
You should really post the link to the original video you have on YouTube. If you don't mention that you own rights to use this music or even that this is an actual music video this will get flagged.
Ohh i didn't know that, ill post all the links ASAP