Looks like good things on route! Smooth work.
Hey everyone, I'm hosting a reanimated collab to celebrate slapstick humor. Here's an animated trailer I recently made. If you're an animator who likes cartoons and tom and jerry, feel free to join. Just send me an application of your work, calebharris496@yahoo.com. Also follow my twitter if you like to check our progress. https://twitter.com/calebharris496
Not sure what to do still, check the docs for instructions. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-lkor4kdMFxFAmDUP6YIpewofkxgLs8nRBw3Syl47NU/edit?usp=sharing
Looks like good things on route! Smooth work.
Cool. I bet I can do collab to reanimate Jerry's Heart Beat.
Cool! I want in on the collab!
I like it! Animated in the style on the best version of tom and jerry. Somethings do need work but it really is on its way there!
I love this
Thank you very much