very nice job, im also glad to see that im not theonly guy who uses imovie to edit!
The second Mini Sausage episode, let me know what you think.
very nice job, im also glad to see that im not theonly guy who uses imovie to edit!
Haha, yeah that intro title is a big giveaway to iMovie. I should probably use something better to edit but iMovie is just so easy to use.
It's an interesting idea to include more clips into the video and make some of them purely video-effect focused, like the one with the head changing and the... weird one with the pink dog :D
I think you do best in doing some longer comedy skits, but variety is nether a bad thing, it's good to experiment :^) Coming from your previous video, I think it would also be kinda cool to see the characters more animated, since they're quite static most of the time.
Hey, thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. I think you’re right, making them longer and more animated couldn’t hurt so I’ll certainly keep that in mind for my future videos. Thanks.