First, the controls were off. You put the controls in 3 different places: WASD, the space bar, and the mouse. If you use WASD to walk and use the mouse to attack, you should jump with W. If you want to make the character look up, then use the mouse to control the looking direction. Using WASD plus the space bar with one hand is annoying. If you're ONLY using the mouse to attack, then why use the mouse at all? In that case, use WASD to move, and jump and attack with J and K. If I'm walking to the right, the camera stays behind me instead of ahead. That doesn't make sense unless danger is only behind me or if you're intentionally making a nearsighted character. I'd have to stop all the time, let the camera catch up, then see what's ahead of me. Finally, the first time I played I walked off the edge because the jump didn't respond fast enough. And for a demo, players may want to see what a character death looks like, so programming a reset button would be appreciated. Points for an interesting looking character, though, and I like the down attack.