Very basic. The jumping feels very weird and you lose momentum in the middle of the jump which is weird. Some jumps are too "pixel perfect".
I love the animations tho, it´s oddly charming.
The original fla file is deleted.So uploaded in Korean version.
English name:Sensory stimulation game (감각자극게임)
Korean name:한국어 버전이름:오감을 자극할 걔임
up arrow:portal
Title(1frame):Time attack(red word)
Story(2frame):This game has a top that anyone can climb.
Are you really a person?
From now on, suspect your identity.
Hmm...Shall we leave? (red word)
Very basic. The jumping feels very weird and you lose momentum in the middle of the jump which is weird. Some jumps are too "pixel perfect".
I love the animations tho, it´s oddly charming.