Confusing :(
-In this game you need to collect as many coins as you can! You can do that if you press the space button on your keyboard, when the coin is in your range. The range is the line around the blue cube. You can turn it off by pressing the G button, and turn it on by pressing the F button. There are red cubes on the map too. If you hit one, you will lose one HP. You have 3 HP. If you don't collect the coins in 5 seconds you will die instantly. The Life (3 HP) system doesn't work here.
You can move with the W, A, S, D buttons.
You need to wait 5 seconds after you press the START GAME button, to spawn the first coin.
"Time":You need to collect the coins in 5 seconds. This is the timer that shows how many seconds do you have until the next coin drop.
"Points": This shows how many points you have.
"Life Bar": This shows how many lifes do you have.
If there is some problem with the game, you need press the F5 button and then when the game is loaded press into the game window and start playing!
Main menu music:
ParagonX9 - Infinity
Game music:
ParagonX9 - Chaoz Fantasy
Thank you for reading this very very long description!
Good luck, and have fun! :)
Confusing :(
Pretty good arcade game to play for a few minutes but needs more polish. Hitboxes need a lot of work and a way to get back lives would be nice. It would be nice if you could fix the enemy spawn locations and movement patterns a bit because sometimes too many will be present in the area where the coin is and it becomes nearly impossible to get the coin when that happens. With some polish, a leaderboard system and a few other twists this could become a pretty decent arcade game, but it's got quite a long way to go.
Thank you for your comment! :)
I will take your hints that you wrote in the next update!
i have made a dozen games, far better and more polished than this, that i still wouldn't upload to NG.